Those are good answers
Those are good answers Here are a few things to consider...
Here are a few things to consider...

It looks like you have a few things on your mind when it comes to creating solid initial contact with new prospects and having really strong first meetings. Those are good things to focus on because they set the trajectory for how your relationship with your client will play out.

It may be time to amp up your planning process, especially when it comes to generating powerful relationships, in support of your growth. Expanding your use of Qualitative planning skills to complement your Quantitative abilities would make good sense.

It's true. There's so much value in creating solid initial contact with new prospects and having really strong first meetings. Those are good things to focus on because they set the trajectory for how your relationships with your clients will continue to play out.


Here's a download you may want to take a good look at:

The Best 1st Meeting Ever

Complimentary Resource Download

Here's a download you may want to take a good look at; it's called The Best 1st Meeting Ever. It will give you some things you can use immediately - as in, today - to help shift your first contact with prospects and your client approach meetings. Go ahead and download it and use what's in there.

The other thing you should consider:

The Advisor Growth Network

Get Started With Online Learning

In it, along with a stack of other useful things, is our IGNITE course. IGNITE is designed to help you quickly redesign your "elevator pitch," and implement a really powerful 1st meeting with prospects. The Network has a lot in it, but a solid starting point for you will be the IGNITE course.